Our Kundalini Yoga classes are running again at the Elements of Happiness, in Seaford. The class times are unchanged, i.e. Wednesday evenings at 7:30 pm and Thursday mornings at 9:15 …

Yoga returns to Seaford

Music & mats
One of the features of Kundalini Yoga is that we use music during the class. The music generally takes the form of mantras set to a melody. The mantras are …

Yoga in the Time of Covid-19
Although the usual classes at Seaford and Mt Eliza are on hold during the Covid-19 lockdown, there are still plenty of ways for us all to continue our regular Kundalini …

Our Mt Eliza yoga studio
“Yoga studio” might be a loose description. After all, we gather at the Meeting Room of the Mt Eliza Community Hall, not at a purpose built yoga studio. But every …

Kundalini Yoga in Seaford
Update January 2021: We are now running Kundalini Yoga classes in Seaford on Wednesday evenings and Thursday mornings, at The Elements of Happiness. ***** If you’re looking for yoga classes in …

Good vibrations – enjoying a ‘gong bath’
Just as everyone who is relaxing on a mat during a gong bath has a unique experience, gong players also report different feelings, emotions and sensations. However, without exception, we …

Where can I find other yoga classes near me?
I’m glad you’ve found this website, which is primarily for people seeking Kundalini Yoga classes in Frankston, Frankston South, Mount Eliza, Mornington, Seaford, Carrum and the surrounding areas. Because Kundalini …

Meditation and mindfulness
If you’ve been looking for yoga classes or a form of meditation or mindfulness, you’ve almost certainly come across a multitude of different practices. At The Garden, in Frankston, the …

Why no incense and candles?
Sometimes people ask about the use incense and candles in the classes. If you’ve come to the yoga classes on the Mornington Peninsula, you may have noticed that we don’t …

Monthly gong sessions
Many students grow to love the gong when we use it during the long relaxation towards the end of the class. In fact, sometimes we wonder whether people come for …